Monday, June 28, 2010

My thoughts on Rouvnjith's Suicide

I wonder how someone who is just thirteen can commit suicide . When i was thirteen , i knew only to play sports,study and have fun in my colony that had four houses.We were taken care of even by the caring neighbors when parents were off to work .I did not have any clue about what are the methods that can be used for a suicide when i was so young !!

So , is this a blessing of the advanced technology that we have .Children have access to everything these days - Movies on net, TV and I was surprised that google has pages on how to commit suicide .Parents these days too are so busy running behind the best schools and best stuff for the children but forgetting the best thing that they can give their child is their time and love. I know this kid's parents will be in so much distress now, but at least things would have been different if they could have stayed in constant touch with what was happening in their son's life .A mere school disciplinary action has taken away his life ...??? And coming to talk about school..Oh, that is a place which makes or breaks one personality . Many teachers these days are coming to the profession to teach not because of passion but because of no other career option , then what is that they can do to stop their frustration.I learnt from one of my friend too that her daughter was spanked at school and when she was back home , she noticed a wound on the spine .This kid who looks lovely as a princess is just 5 years old -what could she have done to take such cruel beating at this tender age ??

I feel this is another classic example of modern day boon which has become a bane.
Advanced technology , a great school system and more money making opportunities which are keeping parents busy making money for their children but leaving them with no time to do the little things that make a difference to their children who end up watching wrong things from the television or the internet.And teaching system ...what is the point in having all the advancements in technology when the core person -the teacher has evolved in to something totally different .

In our days , we respected our teacher and looked upon them to learn something .And even they Set an example for us . But what i observe today is totally different ...
Many children are becoming so snobbish and they have little respect for their teachers and i wonder if the teachers are setting an example for them yet!

I only wish this happens in a few places and hoping this is not the trend everywhere


veer said...

Less and less attention are given to point you raised..which is quite vital..i mean we used to run around with its boring TV and computer..

sometimes i wonder world wld have beautiful if certain things were kept in check..a family having a dinner in their own terrace..evening gathering within family to keep talking..just sharing around neighborhood..just enjoying moon and trees..stop! back to reality..all sit infront of TV and computer...enjoy!

good that u brought this point..thank you:)

veer said...

My deepest respects for the lil soul and sorry..thank you for writing on a social cause..

spunkyviji said...

Thanks Veer for ur comments..
at least our gen shud try to make this a reality ..
family dinner etc...

and i do write a lot on social causes as i feel at the moment alteast that i can do to change things -create awareness by voicing out my opinion ...even if it made one person change his