Monday, October 13, 2008


No wonder , they named it IDIOT BOX ...i really feel like yelling at it sometimes calling that name ..ha ha ha !!
I never knew even some close relationships get affected because of this IDIOT !!!
Yo yo , am talking about none other than the so called "T.V"

This IDIOT BOX can become a problem between Husband and Wife,Mother and Daugther,
Anyone and Everyone. Wonder how ??? here are some life examples..

The typical me gets so annoyed with my husband when he is so much more interested in the idiot box than ME !!!! It happens ..can u believe? The third person in our lives is that IDIOT BOX who creates so many issues .Before i know it , tables turn and i cant' believe sometimes even he feels the same way.One day ,I was so surprised
with myself that i was happily watching TV when he was sharing something very important with me ..i was not listening..Oh No !!! This is what actually happens:-(

Another typical home scenario is when am with amma around ......She is so eager to see me in her house now that i am married and she does not get to see enough of me
Those rare moments , what i happily do i glue to the Idiot box and not listen to wat she says...Instead of spending those precious moments with her i become this one big potato couch .Little did i realise it can hurt her as much as how it hurts when someone avoids you !!

This IDIOT BOX keeps you so glued to him that you loose focus on your closed ones ...
We are happily watching TV and not listening enough to the conversations around us or not noticing how much our closed ones are longing to have us listen to them ..

It's time we realised that humans are more important than this stupid IDIOT BOX :-P

1 comment:

Madbull-Ram said...

LOL, so true. Add to it one more box which i call as Intelligent Box aka Laptop, you get so glued to emails, work, browsing, chatting, etc add to it now able to watch TV on it,,,, it slowly becoming a menace!!!!

Heights of this stupidity, Cricket match live on TV and me reading score on while watching TV!!!!!!!!!!

Few effective ways:
1. Have a mandatory personal time everyday, even if it is for 5 mins
2. Ensure dinning table is away from TV. Ensure when u dine its personal time where you can discuss personal things. Trust me food tastes yummy when you do it.
3. Have a code when you want to discuss something. "I have lost it" use it rarely and required so that your partner will realize its something imp.

All said and done, we are humans...its takes time to become the master again (than being the box ka slaves)