Thursday, December 11, 2008

Feeling of HELPLESSNESS !!

After following the news completely on mumbai terror attacks , reports and forwarded mails on bashing politicians and media ...phew ..don't we have better things to think /talk about in life ,Definitely not !!

Guess i was so disturbed watching the whole episode on the mumbai terror attacks , that i dreamt of being chased by the terrorist in a jeep ..they are firing and i manage to take the stairs of a building ..then i dunno if i reached inside the building or was shot that is all i remember from my dream ..

When i woke up , i felt horrified ..wondered if only a dream can make me loose my guts , imagine being a hostage or being attacked in reality..i cant imagine !!

What surprises me the most is ignorance and behaviour of majority of the people ..
many of them i spoke to know politicians over look a lot of things including LTTE / Caste based riots for the sake of getting the votes into their kitty ...and they are still in favour of them / vote for them :-(

Wonder when all of us will wake up and realise what we are doing to ourselves?
everyone knows the politicians are looting public money ,hardly interested in common man and we stay put with all this ?? why ??

Look at the plight of our ministers ...SAD is not the word ...!!
Ex Home Minister has the audacity to say .."these kinds of small things do happen in big cities" sounded worse than a movie dialogue to me ..Does he even know what he is saying being in a responsible position ...Thank God , he was fired !!!

Media on the other hand publishes/telecasts everything and anything for the sake of TRP's ..huh ..I was watching the coverage on TV last nite -how we are getting geared and preparing our airforces etc ..Is this a breaking news ?? don't they have common sense ...??
the whole world is watching us including the guys who will plan the next attack...
And the same reporter on TV gave the news that the LET head were watching the coverage on TV and guiding /updating the terrorists inside TAJ and Oberoi on the NSG's movements ....what a pity ???

After so much has happened and that will happen in the future, are we still going to put up with all this and stay quiet??

I am so tired of saying ..i can only pray ..high time i got over the feeling of helplessness and ACT upon it ..I really wanna do something to contribute to PEACE !!

How many are willing to join me ??And what should we do .?? Any ideas???

1 comment:

மேவி... said...

we shouls join hands and should do something good which will solve the problem.
i also dont have any clear cut idea