Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Single Woman

Single !!!

I have used this word more frequently in the last few months ...!
As u know ,any woman in her late 20's has to answer some
mandatory questions ...the most common question would be
" Oh ..u are n't married ...single?? U have a boy friend??"

well....why aren't we able to relate to single women?
on the contrary ..we adore the bachelors ya single men
telling them "Lucky man ....you have made the right decision "

Being single at a considerable age .... i have faced many unpleasant situations
whether it be flirtatious behaviour from married men ya answering those
series of questions from people who are so much interested in my personal life..

tat keeps me wondering ...whats the plight of women who have
chosen to stay single for the rest of their lives??

Kudos to them ...!!

We may be nearing the 60th year of independance but
i wud say that still single women who want to be
independant do not enjoy their complete freedom in our country


Joles said...

Well, it is rather funny that independence doesn't come naturally in our society to single women, but then that's because we have been shackled for over 5 millenium of the joint family concept. It will take a few generations of nuclear families, couples without children, children without cousins, for the concept of single woman to seep into our system
Till then kudos as you say to all women who choose to stay single !

Displaced142 said...

I am currently single after twenty two years of marriage, and about to get married again early next year, and it may seem as if I'm hardly the one to understand your single-woman status. However, one of the most imspiring and enduring friendships I have had in my entire life is with a doctor, a woman, who chose to stay single. She is twenty-two years older than me, yet as youthful as you can imagine even today! Children flock to her, women tell her their problems, and she has always had the utmost respect from her male colleagues, plus has helped many younger men to find direction and meaning in their life and careers. My only regret about leaving Mumbai so many years ago, is that it put physical distance between me and her.

Single women can be special - or they can be cynical and embittered hags, like my downstairs neighbour who is always trying to point out some faults in my lifestyle and make some problem or the other, for me. You don't know how long you will stay single. Just choose to be special!

All the best!