Monday, July 28, 2008

BOMBERS -What do these barbarians want ?

How i wish i could meet one of these guys in person and get
to know what they really want ??? wondering is it going to be possible for me
to have a dialogue with them / him / her ..
This keeps me wondering if i would apply my Buddhist's philosophy then ..
no way .... i don't have even the slightest of respect for these ANIMALS !!!!

Blasting a city ,killing innocent lives gives them what in return ?
I really dont understand the sadist intention behind any of these acts ...
We are all getting used to news everyday on bomb blasts and terror
attacks...are we all becoming insensitive or getting habitual about all that's
happening around us...??

I still remember the days in Coimbatore when i first experienced news on bomb blasts & terror attacks in the city .I was too young & protected to even witness anything
We only heard news about which shop was blown up and how many were killed
Every evening , I eagerly awaited my brother's return home to narrate me the story on whatever he saw through the day .I had my school holidays and i was not allowed to go out then ...but then little did i know how terrible it is for the people
who experience it ..loosing their loved ones in attacks like these ..
i was no more young and innocent to understand what cruelty and terrorism
is by 2001.....when i saw papers carrying photos of Daniel Pearl's execution ..
A horrific act by the people who in the name of religion brought shame to their own religion and put their fellow members of faith too in shame every muslim has been looked at with an inquisitive eye as and when the numbers increase on the terrorist attacks ....

sometimes even i wonder if there is something wrong in the teachings or which version of the Quran talks about jihad war ...or who has misinterpreted the understanding ....a lot of questions on my mind ...when i read through the names of the terrorists most of them are doing all this in the name of Islam...
sometimes i do nag my muslim friends to get me these answers ...
but i am sure i wont know how their heart aches when people generalise their
community and make it synonymous with terrorism i contributing to it too ?
well..that is not my intention but i hope i do make my friends understand that

Intention is to really understand what is driving them to do all this ?
Why do they bring in their religion when they do something like this ?
What do they achieve after a bomb blast ?

Is it the teaching ? money ? blind faith ? power? then what ?...who knows the answer for this question ? I wonder... and i wish i get the answer soon ..............

1 comment:

ThoughPot said...

Yes, they are barbarians. Whoever it is, is doing all this stuff.

Please read my article on Terrorism on my blog on one of the reasons which I think are feeding Terrorism.

You might find a few answers to the questions you asked for.

Yes, there is widespread misinterpretation and deliberate distortion of the Quran by the terrorists. There is injustice everywhere and religion is misused as a tool by terrorists for many reasons - Political power, money or simple sadistic pleasure at seeing innocents getting killed.

Equally shocking is an even more widespread ignorance of basic history among people who ask questions and wait for answers to come to them because looking for answers themselves throws up a mirror of the unjust society we live in.

Read this essay and get to know a little history which you obviously have absolutely no knowledge to and stop believing everything you see on TV.

And if your Muslim friends don't answers to your questions, its probably because they're pretty ignorant themselves.