Tuesday, November 6, 2007

"Those Little Fingers "

"Diwali " ......New clothes , diyas ,sweets , greetings from friends and family .....what more ...??? the essential in everyone's list "Fun with Fire "-Bursting Crackers !!!!

To me - Diwali reminds me of all these including those little fingers who make these explosives called "Crackers" .Even today , we read so much about children burning their self and soul in this making of crackers at sivakasi. Whether it is an NGO who is trying to popularise their beleifs in the name of Child Labour or it is the business minded people out there refusing to accept this , no one can deny that Child Labour at Sivakasi exists. If we need to see it , we have a choice to visit and visualise what is happening there....So many little fingers rolling papers, fixing fuses to the crackers ,and dyeing them - All for 30-40 rupees for those long 12hours. Most of these children are between 11 - 13 years of age !!!

Some may ask why should i bother about these little children and give up my fun and frolic of bursting crackers

My question to you is ....."A small little sacrifice (an act which actually leaves us with a momentary happiness) ..is that too big Vs the permanent damage that happens to these little children's lives?"

Let's think , our choice can make a difference to someone's life .......

I made a choice -10 years back and am glad that in these 10 years , there were many who shared the same interest & determined to give up buying crackers for Diwali and we stuck to it !!

And trust me,we have had more happier diwalis in these 10 years when we look back ........

Wish you all a Happy and Cracker-Free Diwali !!!

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